Support for Hülya Tarman

Hülya Tarman, a researcher and author renowned for her work in women’s studies, stayed in Diyarbakir, Urfa, Batman and Van between 2006-2007, to conduct field work among women and children, for her research entitled, “A look from the inside: How women and children perceive violence”.
While still working in the field, Hulya Tarman was declared a suicide bomber by several newspapers of the mass media. In July 22, 2007, the newspapers Takvim and Star published news about her, including her photo, adress and information on her identity, with the headline, “4 suicide bombers infiltrated Turkey”.
These false news, an attack on the basic personal rights of Hulya Tarman, also posed a risk to her life.
The mentioned newspapers did not publish any apology, correction or denouncement to make good this irresponsible act, continuing their unscrupulous attack towards Hulya Tarman’s personal security, also deliberately spreading false news to their readers. Hulya Tarman went to court to make use of her legal rights, with no positive results from this legal struggle.
In the issued brief accompanying the decision of the supreme court, concerning the cases Hulya Tarman opened against the Takvim and Star newspapers, the judges used the expression, “as this news was published for the common good, they fall under the protection of the freedom of press.” Hulya Tarman defines this decision as “a breach of law”. With this decision, Tarman’s personal rights have been violated and the common good was defined as having access to false information, to be freely spread even if it costs Tarman’s safety.
As all fields of lawful struggle for her personal rights are already exploited, Hulya Tarman will seek her rights at the European Court of Human Rights. You can support Tarman’s case by adding your signature to the campaign for solidarity and support for Hulya Tarman.

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